Gymnema sylvestre R. Br.


Arabic Name : Barkista
Bengali Name : Meshsingi, Gurmar
English Name : Small Indian Ipecacuanha, Miracle Fruit, Gymnema
French Name : ipécacuanha
German Name : Gymnema, Merasingi
Gujarati Name : Kavali
Hindi Name : Gurmar, Gudmar
Kannada Name : Kadhasige
Latin name : Gymnema sylvestre R. Br.
Marathi Name : Kavki, Medhaashingi
Persian Name : Kista
Sanskrit Name : Madhunashni, Meshshrangi, Sarpadarushtri
Urdu Name : Gurmar Buti

Helps to control the sugar level in the blood. Suppresses the intestinal absorption of saccharides which prevents blood sugar fluctuations. Corrects metabolic activities of liver, kidney and muscles. Research indicates that use of Gymnema Sylvestre blocks sweet taste receptors when applied to the tongue in diabetes to remove Glycisuria.

Gurmar Buti Benefits :

  • Gurmar main action is seen on the digestive system. Being an appetizer, astringent and a hepatic stimulant, it helps to maintain the blood sugar to 0.12% by acting on pancreas, adrenal glands and the digestive glands.
  • Gurmar leads indirectly to secretion of insulin from pancrease. This reduces the blood sugar and also the urinary sugar. These action are obtained by using the leaves only and not by using extracts.
  • Gurmar is useful in cardiac failure. Oral by using extracts.
  • Gurmar used to relieve common cold and breathlessness by administration of seeds or roots in the form of smoking.
  • Gurmar helps in easy evacuation of impacted feces from rectum
  • Gurmar is very useful in diabetes and calculi.
  • Gurmar is useful in amenorrhoea, typhoid fever, general debility.
  • Gurmar has special effect on all skin disease.

Recommended Dosage : 5 to 7 g powder of the full plant.

Contraindication : People with diabetes should only use Gymnema to lower blood sugar under the clinical supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as use of the herb may necessitate an adjustment in insulin dosage. Gymnema cannot be used in place of insulin to control blood sugar by people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Barkista Meshsingi Gurmar Small Indian Ipecacuanha Miracle Fruit Gymnema ipécacuanha Gymnema Merasingi Kavali Gurmar Gudmar Kadhasige Gymnema sylvestre R Kavki Medhaashingi Kista Madhunashni Meshshrangi Sarpadar

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