Doronicum hookeri Clarke.


Doronicum hookeri Clarke
Arabic Name : Daroonaj, Darawnaj
English Name : Leopard’s Bane
French Name : Doronic
German Name : Gemswurz, Gämswurz
Hindi Name : Tarang
Latin name : Doronicum hookeri Clarke.
Persian Name : Darunak, Darun
Sanskrit Name : Vrishichka
Urdu Name : Darunaj Aqrabi

Description : Is aromatic, cardiac, stomachic and tonic. Strengthens the heart, stomach and liver. Useful in nervous depression, palpitation, paralysis, hemiplegia and melancholia.

Recommended Dosage : 1 to 3 g powder.

Contraindication : This herb has no known warnings or contraindications.

Daroonaj Darawnaj Leopard’s Bane Doronic Gemswurz Gämswurz Tarang Doronicum hookeri Clarke Darunak Darun Vrishichka Darunaj Aqrabi

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