Citrus lemonum Sp. Risso


Citrus lemonum Sp
Arabic Name : Laimoon, Leemoonioon
Bengali Name : Lebu
Chinese Name : Lai meng
English Name : Lemon, Lime
French Name : Limon, Limettier, Citronnier
German Name : Zitronenbaum, Zitrone, Limone
Gujarati Name : Limbu
Hindi Name : Nimbu, Nibu
Kannada Name : Limbe
Kashmiri Name : Leomb, Lyom
Latin name : Citrus lemonum Sp. Risso
Persian Name : Lemu, Turanj
Sanskrit Name : Nimbuka
Urdu Name : Nibu, Limu

Description : The juice is a rich source of vitamin B and C. It protects the skin from oxidative damage and helps in preventing pruritus. Lemon juice is one of the best naturals for scurvy and serves as a refrigerant in febrile and inflammatory affections and acute rheumatism. It is recommended as a gastric stimulant, to relieve dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and cramps and sunstroke and in bringing chronic diarrhoea and dysentery under control. It is valuable as a cooling drink in fevers, and for allaying thirst. The rind is useful in dysentery and indigestion. The high potassium content of lemons will encourage the heart action and lemons are a useful tonic for anyone with heart problems.

Recommended Dosage : Juice :- 6 to 12 ml; Rind : 1 g powder.

Contraindication : The fruit has no known warnings or contraindications.

Laimoon Leemoonioon Lebu Lai meng Lemon Lime Limon Limettier Zitronenbaum Zitrone Limone Limbu Nimbu Limbe Leomb Citrus lemonum Sp Risso Nimbuka Limu

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