

Arabic Name : Zanjafar, Zanjafr
Bengali Name : Hangal
Chinese Name : Zhu sha
English Name : Cinnabar, Quick Silver
French Name : Cinabre
German Name : Zinnober
Gujarati Name : Hingalo
Hindi Name : Shingraf
Latin name : Cinnabaris
Marathi Name : Hingool
Persian Name : Shangraf, Saghar
Sanskrit Name : Hingula
Urdu Name : Shingraf

Description : Purified Cinnabar is prepared by grinding cinnabar with goat’s milk for over 6 hours, followed by grinding this mixture with Lime juice for one hour. This process is repeated 7 times till a fine powder is obtained. It is a tonic, antiseptic and alterative. Purified Cinnabar causes an increase in the number of red blood corpuscles while the body gains in weight and the general nutrition is improved. It stimulates the salivary and the pancreatic glands and the bile ducts and thus increases the flow of bile. It also stimulates the liver cells and hence acts as an indirect cholagogue. Also useful in premature ejaculation, arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, phlegmatic cough and fevers. Long standing cases of gonorrhoea with much pain, soreness and a great profusion of yellow green discharge come clearly under the influence of Cinnabar.

Recommended Dosage : 15 mg to 30 mg purified powder.

Contraindication : Do not exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated for those with impaired liver or kidney function.

Zanjafar Hangal Cinnabar Quick Silver Cinabre  Zinnober Hingalo Shingraf Cinnabaris Hingool Shangraf Saghar Hingula Shingraf

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